Packed with info about the future prospects of these fantastic birds. Is the governor on board with protecting these guys?

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He actually has done a good deal for the environment here in Florida despite what people say. He did sign that 2021 legislation that I spoke about in the article. I’m sure it wasn’t necessarily for the wading birds specifically, but it was to protect land from development. And the wading birds are actually doing pretty well at the moment. I’m looking forward to seeing another annual report from the south Florida water management district. They need to update that.

Thanks for posting and stopping by. For whatever reason Florida is just a tremendously popular state whether it be taxes or our freedoms and less restrictions during the pandemic, people just want to move here. Which is fine. But there’s definitely developmental pressure on the environment and we can’t just take out all of our rural lands in order to make affordable housing. There has to be another way.

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Well, all that is good to hear about the regulations etc. Growth is always a monster issue to deal with. They want that tax base but at what cost?

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Yes, definitely an issue with local governments. Many of them are cash strapped for whatever reason and the developers come in buy a bunch of land then in order to get the zoning changes, they dangle incentives in front of the politicians. There is no long-term vision, however.just growth at any cost.

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and the beautiful creature always end up paying the ultimate price. Saw my first stork the other day here in France. Very exciting.

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Would have loved to see a picture!

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Great reporting!

Exquisite photography...the Great Blue Heron💙

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Thank you for stopping by! The great blue heron is a spectacular bird. Wish I saw more of them! Thanks again 🙏

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Your essays/photographs are always worth waiting for and one of the few Substack posts worth reading twice. Such clean writing and beautiful photographs, and the perfect merging of the wonder of natural phenomenon and how wonderful and fragile our relationship with it is--all filtered through an empathetic imagination. Bravo!

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Peter! So great to hear from you. I apologize for my sporadic posting as of late. I do have a lot of stories on the back burner so I’m going to be turning them out this summer. I really appreciate you being a subscriber and leaving such thoughtful comments about my work. Hope you are doing fantastic.

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