It’s the end of October with another 30 days speeding by. Much has happened and much more will happen especially as Tuesday’s election approaches. Let’s hope it’s a peaceful time regardless of the outcome. Speaking of peace, the image above is actually quite personal to me. The horse photographed here is named Goldie. She is my lesson horse; the very first that I learned the basics of riding with, from the walk, trot and canter.
I decided to take up horse riding last year when I needed a new social outlet and more time spent with animals in nature. Also, my husband and I will be moving in a few years to Ocala where we can have two horses on property. So learning everything possible about these majestic creatures has been tops on my list. And so that’s how I came to know Goldie.
She’s a beautiful horse with soul and sass and the type of big brown almond-shaped eyes that look directly into you. She is patient and kind but also occasionally stubborn, of which she has every right to be. Humans can be so intolerable sometimes— most certainly if they’re sitting on you.
The image above is actually a screenshot of a video that I took with my iPhone. I then did a few edits in Photoshop and eventually made a framed piece out of a fine art print.
I did this because Goldie is special and because she passed away this month. Goldie is a lesson horse because she teaches us lessons. Not only about horsemanship but about life.
Rest in peace sweet Goldie. My favorite was Hazzard on my family's ranch in Arkansas. He was a bit of a rascal but generally a gentleman. They touch you the way a dog does.